People today are confused. I hate to say it, but they might even be delusional.
I remember a time when a woman used to be a woman and no one would argue with that.
A time when 2+2 = 4 and no one would or could say otherwise.
There used to be a time when science and logic used to end arguments but now"my truth" can be anything. Whatever I want it to be is what it is.
The problem with that is there is a truth.
I can believe all I want that the sky is pink, but ultimately most days it's blue. Why? because God made it that way. There is a very real enemy trying to destroy the truth. If he doesn't care what you believe as long as it's not the truth.
Here's the truth the world so desperately needs. God created truth because He is the Truth. I am the way the Truth and the Life (John 14:6). Jesus is the truth and the way to God and in the beginning, He established who we are. That is the truth. We don't get to define ourselves, we have to look to the one who created us.
The truth is we are loved and made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-28)
If we as believers in Christ, would truly grasp how deeply loved and treasured we were by God, our lives would be infinitely different. We would live knowing our Father loves us and nothing can separate us from the love of God once we declare Jesus is Lord. However, due to life, hardships, culture, unforeseen circumstances, etc, we can often believe lies like we aren't good enough, we aren't loved, and we will never accomplish anything.
We can either believe our feelings are the truth or we can find the truth and believe that. We can't let our identity be dictated by our feelings because our feelings are always changing. We have to center and shape our lives around the unchangeable truth of who God says we are and who God is. Because He is the only thing that is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So, therefore, He gets the last word.
Our feelings are real but very rarely are they ever accurate.
We can't allow our feelings or even our desires to be the truth, because oftentimes they are wrong. Feelings can be helpful guides to notice when things are going on inside of us. They are like warning signals that something might be going array or going well.
As human beings, we want to identify ourselves as whatever we think is correct. We can even get caught up in identifying ourselves by the roles we play in life. We introduce ourselves by our job titles, our relationships, and the labels that we assign to ourselves. While there's nothing inherently wrong with this, it can lead to a sense of identity crisis when these roles and hats are removed from our lives.
Think about the hats you wear:
Business Owner
Career Woman
and the list goes on and on
Has your life ever taken a drastic turn because one or more of the roles ended or were taken away? When we fall into the trap of putting our identity into what we do instead of remembering who we are, things can start to turn bleak.
As Christians, we have the unique privilege of finding our identity in Jesus rather than in the roles we play if we remember to do so. Our identity is not dependent on our career, relationships, or social status. Instead, it's rooted in who God created us to be and how He sees us through the lens of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."
This verse reminds us that we are not just a sum of our roles and hats. We are God's masterpieces, created for a unique purpose and with a specific set of gifts and talents. Our identity is in Christ, and He is the one who defines who we are.
When we find our identity in Christ, it changes everything. Or at least it should. If your life before Jesus and after Jesus doesn't look different, then I have to ask the question, is your identity truly in Christ?
This identity should give us a sense of purpose that goes beyond our temporary roles and hats. It reminds us that we are loved and accepted by God just as we are, regardless of our successes or failures. In addition, finding our identity in Christ frees us from the pressure to conform to society's expectations. We no longer need to worry about impressing others or living up to a certain standard because our worth comes from Christ, not from our accomplishments, success, or accolades. We can live closely aligned to the law and walk in the obedience to God because we want too not because we have too.
Our identity in Christ gives us the courage to step out of our comfort zones and pursue the things that God has called us to do. We can be confident that we are equipped and empowered by God to fulfill His purposes for our lives.
What we believe about God and in turn what we believe about ourselves is the most important thing about us. It's what gives us meaning and purpose beyond our temporary circumstances. When we find our identity in Christ, we are free to be who God created us to be and to fulfill the unique purpose that He has for each of us. We can die to ourselves and the American Dream or even the South Asian Dream and live a life according to the Word of God. When we live in this truth rather than what the world tries to throw at us, we can represent a world to the next generation, our loved ones, our daughters, that pushes against the darkness and cancels out the lies. We can live in this truth.
The Truth that sets us free!
Questions to Ponder:
How do you respond when your abilities and success are threatened in your daily roles?
When life is going well does your need for God increase or decrease? Do you find yourself pulling away from God when the roles and hats you wear satisfy you?
Have you noticed that failure in your roles or any negative comments/criticism crushes you or are you able to run to Jesus quickly to know your worth?
Where have you accidentally placed your identity instead of Jesus?
Pray This:
Lord, help me to find my identity in you. Let me not be disillusioned by the world today and the lies that I am who I create myself to be or what I do. Remind me that my life is valuable because I am a child of God. I am your masterpiece, your work of art. Help me to live for you all the days of my life and not live for the approval of man. Remind me, that I am not just a sum of different roles. I am made in your image and am called to bear that image rightly to the world. Help me to represent you well to the world.
